WiWU Middle East Grand Opening
On the 10th of January 2021, WiWU Middle East officially opened its Dubai showroom to the general public. Being one of the most outstanding showroom opening events in recent times, the grand opening was nothing less than a huge success and an amazing experience as it saw high notables within and beyond the United Arab Emirates taking part with great sense of acknowledgement and amazement.
Adding more flesh to the bone was the fact that the event was covered by Dubai TV who later broadcasted it over their TV channel attracting more attention and amazement from the people of UAE and beyond.
Again, apart from the many invitees who attended was also the passersby who stepped in to have a glance at the amazing event, with some taking photos and videos not only of WiWU products but also with the notables and the management of WiWU Middle East.
Finally the event ended up with the notables as well as invitees and passersby refreshing themselves with some Arabic sweets, chocolates, dates, coffee, soft drinks etc.
The event may have come and gone but the impact it left behind did not only show the prestige vested upon WiWU as a company and brand but also the extend to which Quality and Innovation to name a few are upheld.
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